We know her as the stunning actress, Helen Mirren. Speaking on NPR this morning, she mentioned that she feels overwhelmed and incapable each time she sees a new script with all the lines to memorize. So typical of low innate self-confidence.
Ingrid Betancourt and Clara Rojas, still in captivity after 6 long years, held by the FARC, (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia). Rojas actually had a child by one of her kidnappers, whom she named Emmanuel.
If either one of them survives, let us hope for published accounts of the source of the inner strength.
Kimberley Locke, in the top three of Season 2, American Idol. Is enjoying a successful musical career, now owns a restaurant outside of Manhattan, and is sticking to her weight loss program. Check out her broad forehead!
Anthropologist Helen Fisher, who, while laudably rejecting the notion that Spitzer's transgressions were anyone's fault but his own, nevertheless added: "All you have to do is look at Eliot Spitzer. He has a high cheekbone and low brow ridges. Those are signs of very high testosterone."